Monday, June 25, 2012


Still looks mighty wet.  Let's postpone until next Monday, July 2, 5:00-8:00.

Weather alert

Hi all, forecasts 100% chance of "heavy rain and thunderstorms" through this evening.  It doesn't look good for hewing tonight.  I'll post again today at 3:30 PM to either confirm or postpone.  Keep your fingers crossed.

Also, almost no one ever comments on these posts, so I'm not even sure that function works.  Anyone want to test this for me?!  Thanks.


Saturday, June 23, 2012

Hewing, June 25!

Ailsa inspires at Baccalaureate, June 9, 2012.  (She's always craved amplification and five microphones...!)

Hi all,

I'm just back from a second Monhegan sojourn -- this time to replace windows in the cottages with my daughter Athalia and other friends and family.  Since I dashed from a final day of Pingree meetings to Markham Lumber, to Port Clyde and the Laura B out to the (blessedly computer-less) island, it's been a while since I last posted.

I want to let folks know that we'll be resuming work at the hewing site this coming week, and I'm hoping to gather at least once a week all summer.  I'm still trying to get a handle on various summer league schedules that occupy my family's attention, so I'll post a longer-term schedule by the end of this weekend.  Meantime, know that I'll be working this Monday, June 25, from 5:00-8:00.  I'll bring tools, sunscreen, bug dope, and a few pairs of work gloves, but you'll want to bring sturdy shoes and a water bottle.  If you're a newcomer, our work site is on the right-hand side of the Pingree exit driveway, about a hundred yards west of Johnson Rink.  There'll be jobs for builders of all ages.

Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions/concerns.  My email's  All are welcome.

See you at the hewing site!


Friday, June 8, 2012

Ailsa's Big Monhegan Adventure!

     Back from Monhegan last Saturday and it's been a Pingree sprint since...  Our island group was terrific, made so by both the seniors who composed it and Alex Tinari and first-ever alumna intern Meaghan Souza.  For the first time in the roughly fifteen years Ailsa and I have been running these courses, we incorporated a service element, this year helping Monhegan Museum curators Jen Pye and Emily Grey prepare for the late-June opening of the museum.  Photos below of our gang pitching in.  After we'd cleaned, transported, cleared, etc., Emily and Jen brought us up the newly de-leaded lighthouse and into the museum's art vault -- fabulously fun island haunts!

Ailsa and Alex de-mildew the gallery doors.

Meaghan and Shelby DiFiore clean out the fish house.

Keith Morency hauls exhibit materials.

Charlie Parker delivers pizza...  (??!!)

Amanda Monteforte clears the cemetery trail.

The view from the lighthouse!

And, at the end of the day, the group enjoys a well-earned meal.

     This weekend (June 8-10) at Pingree is filled with the rituals of year's end.  Awards Ceremony tonight, Baccalaureate Saturday, and Commencement Sunday.  Ailsa's speaking at Baccalaureate and is sure to bring the extraordinary perspective of her nearly half-century's work at school.  Please join us if you're nearby.

     I'll post a summer work schedule here on the blog as soon as I get my act together (and cross-reference the Esty family calendar.)  I'm hoping to establish a weekly evening or two, starting the last week in June, during which any and all can come to our work site for a few hours and keep Ailsa's house project moving.  Lots have expressed interest, so it should be lively!  Keep checking here for more info.