Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Hewing this week

Hi All,

Hewing, from 5:00-8:00 tonight (7/10) and Thursday (7/12).  Gorgeous weather for evening work!  Turnout's been slight so far, so we'd love to see new faces.  Athalia split some new white oak peg stock last week, so she's keen to mount the shaving horse and give drawknife lessons to all comers.  Bring your friends!

Also, a new blog feature:  If you'd like to receive blog posts via your email rather than checking here, sign up for direct email notification in the new subscription box, upper right corner of home page.  Enjoy!


Monday, July 2, 2012

Summer, 2012, Work Schedule

Weather and unforeseen interference allowing, I'll be at Pingree hewing logs on the following dates.  I'm hoping I can add a few more opportunities as my calendar gels, but below are what I've got for now.  Times for all dates are 5:00-8:00 PM.  Please check here on the blog if the weather looks rainy.  I'll try my best to post updates by 3:30 PM on wet-weather days.  Look forward to seeing folks on site! 

July 2, 5, 10, 12, 16, 31

August 6, 13, 16

Please remember that you'll need to dress appropriately, which means in sturdy, closed shoes and in clothes you won't mind soiling with pine pitch.  You'll want to bring a water bottle too.