Monday, April 7, 2014

The Second Thing

After massive shop and barn clean out and organization, we finally got to work outside and do the second thing on our list. We went out into the Pingree woods in search for a tree to chop down. The tree we found had relatively few branches which would create knots in the wood. It also had a good drop zone, where the tree would fall. 

After clearing the area around the tree, we were able to start chopping with our special guest, Mr. Holmes. We started by cutting the area of the tree closest to the drop zone. After about 2/3 of the way through, chopping started on the other side, higher than the cut we already made. 

As we got closer, we started to watch the top of the tree for any signs that it was going to fall. With about twenty minutes left in our day,we finally got it to fall. The video above shows the amazing detail of the scene.

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