Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Hello everyone!
Sorry the blog has been inactive for so long. we've had a lot going on, and we forgot about the blog a little bit.

So far this week, we've had two groups working.
One group has been down at the site working to finish hewing down the last two or three logs before the end of the school year. The other group has been working up in the woods at the site where we felled our tree last year (see below). That group has been clearing away all of the branches and stuff that we left behind. In addition, we've been cutting down the two stumps we left from our tree-felling (one by us and one by the other group, whose blog you can find in the side bar). Progress has been coming along quite well, which is good because we only have about three more weeks of housebuilding before school ends and we've got quite a lot of things to do.
Check back in for another update on Friday

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