Friday, May 17, 2013

Seniors, We'll Miss Hew

SURPRISE!!! Get ready to be appreciated!!!
Caitlyn: Though I know I don't say it very much, you really mean a lot to me. I don't know how I ever would have survived advisory meetings without you by my side. I only hope that I can be as welcoming a fellow advisee to our new members as you were to me. Also, thanks for teaching me how to shave logs. That was pretty cool.
Allegra: You probably don't remember this, but you were one of the first people to really welcome me at Pingree. I'll never forget freshman year when you encouraged me to try out for a solo in Singers. Your support and kindness rally helped me find my place at Pingree. You always made me feel like I had someone who I could seriously vent to. Next year's going to be rough without you.
Nick: Your theatrical talent has really intimidated me these past few years, but the more time I spend around you, the more I realize that you're probably the least scary person ever. I wish I was half as funny as you are. Your constant hilarity really made house building that much more fun.
Keira: I know we never really talked until the beginning of house building this spring, but I wish we had. You seem really cool and fun to be around. Also, your soccer skills are really impressive. I think as the only official athlete on the house building team (except for Jay, of course), we can give that soccer game to you.
I don't want to get too sappy, so I'm just going to say that I had no idea what to do for an activity his spring, and I think house building was definitely the best choice, and you guys were a big part of that. We're really going to miss you next year.
Good luck at college! Break a leg!
- Love and hugs, Carolyn

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