Friday, May 10, 2013

Progress Report 5/10

Hello Fellow Thoreauvians,
It has been somewhat of a slow week due to inclement weather and the elusiveness of the town building inspector. However, we took the opportunity to organize and get in gear for the home stretch! We made good progress on our 6-by-6 logs which will become wall plates when we put up  the house. We're hoping to finish shaving and leveling them next week.  Overall, it has been a very productive spring, with a collective effort to carve about a dozen pegs which will be used as nails. Monday was spent creating a to-do list of things we'd like to accomplish this season. Some of our tasks included talking to the building inspector to finalize the location of the building site, ordering official t-shirts and caps with special housebuilding-related nicknames. Though next week is officially our last week, we plan to finish off strong! Also, the housebuilding team will be featured in the spring concert, with photographs of the team taken by Mr. Goff appearing on a slideshow. The accompanying piece, "Make Our Garden Grow" from Candide, featuring lyrics like "we'll build our house and chop our wood" will be performed by Pingree Spectrum.
That's all for now, but look for an update next Wednesday!
- from Carolyn and Alyssa

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