Sunday, May 19, 2013

Seniors!!!! You're axe-ellent

Nick: Wow. I remember my first experience with you was watching you and Dylan run around the theatre while the Batman theme song was playing. I was amused...until you threw my shoe on the stage. But nevertheless, that's a memory I won't ever forget. Don't lose your funny personality at college!

Allegra: I first met you (although you probably won't remember it) when I came to see a Chicago rehearsal last year. I remember being absolutely blown away by your amazing voice (which I'm still blown away by every day). You can light up an entire theatre. Seriously. I'll be sitting in the front row for your Broadway debut. Break a leg next year!

Caitlin: I am amazed by your ability to play completely different characters. A water genie and Doctor Who couldn't be more different. You're an amazing person and you made me feel welcome on my first day of theatre. I loved being on your Springfest team (it was obviously our strong arm muscles that won the girls tug-of-war). Good luck at college next year!

Keira: You're great. Really. I never heard you complain about house-building and you always get the job done. I just wish I had more than one season to spend time with you! You're a hard-worker and you're definitely an amazing person just all around. Have fun in college!

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